
Below is a list of all the club memberships currently available at the Claremont Bowls & Community Club.

Membership Fees for Season 2024-2025

Full Playing Members$290.00 – With a rebate of $20.00 if the fee is paid in full by the end of August 2024
First Year Members (Full Members)$110.00 – Bowlers as full playing members, and new full members transferring from other clubs
Spouse, both must be playing Pennant, Full Members$470.00 (No other rebate will apply)
Social Playing Members$110.00
Junior Members$45.00
Social (Non-Playing) Members$30.00
Social Member (1st Year)Free of charge
Green Fees$5.00 – For visitors or social (non-playing) members on each occasion, or
$75.00 Per Year
Membership Table

Membership Steps

If you would like to become a member of the Claremont Bowls & Community Club, just follow these steps:

  1. Download Members Application Form (Click Link): CB&CC Members Application Form
  2. Complete the registration form and either drop it into the club or e-mail a scanned copy of the signed form to the e-mail address below.
  3. You will then receive notification (most likely by e-mail) to inform as to the success of your membership application.
  4. If membership is approved, you simply attend the club and pay the relevant membership fee.
  5. Done!!


Any queries in relation to fees or memberships can be directed to Bar Staff or Admin staff in person at the club or by use of the following means:

Phone: (03) 6249 2559
Facsimile: (03) 6249 9211
Facebook: Claremont Bowls & Community Club

This page was updated – 24th of June 2024

Claremont Bowls & Community Club